Acknowledgment of Shipping Label Terms of Use
Tracking Number
Please ensure you keep a record of your tracking number, as we do not have access to it once your package is in transit. This tracking number will help you monitor the status and location of your shipment.
When preparing your item for shipment, use a small, sturdy box with proper packaging materials to protect your equipment. Avoid using paper envelopes, as they do not offer adequate protection. We are not responsible for any missing or damaged items due to improper packaging.
Label Use
If you are sending multiple packages, make sure each has its own unique label. Reusing the same label for multiple packages can result in loss with USPS. We are not liable for any packages lost due to duplicate labels. Proper labeling ensures each package reaches its destination safely.
Repair Form
Before sending your handpiece, fill out the service form with a detailed description of the issue. Indicate if you prefer to receive an estimate before any repairs are made or if you want us to proceed with the repair immediately.
By using our return label, you agree to all the terms above.
Please call us if this is a critical issue that needs immediate attention.